Advice from Johnny Drama

Turtle: I've never been so f&*kin' embarrassed in my life. I've never seen worse coaching, worse uniform-wearing, worse equipment managing, worse band directing, worse team chaperoning.
E: Well, I only caught a few minutes of the highlights, but I thought the band was pretty good.
Turtle: OK, fine, is that what this f&*kin' program is reduced to? We might as well petition to join Grambling & Southern at the Battle of the Bands.
E: We'd lose.
Vince: So what do you guys think I should do?
E: Well, he really screwed up this time, there's no denying it.
Turtle: This program, this program that you love, I love, we all love...and he's f&*ked it up. Losing to the motherf&*kin' Naval Academy one year, and lame-duck Greg Robinson the next. I want to vomit all over myself.
E: Put a bullet in 'im. Be done with it.
Vince: You know there's no guarantees for you either, hot shot. Haven't seen you hoisting any trophies recently.
Awkward silence.
Turtle: F*&k that. Nobody cares about women's soccer - no offense, E.
E: None taken.
Turtle: Plus you got that nice new stadium coming in so just got sit over in the corner and figure out another way to lose to UC Santa Barbara.
Vince: Hey, uncalled for.
Turtle: Fine, but seriously - put this fat suit out of his misery. Leave the gun, take the cannolis.
More awkward silence. Vince looks over to the chef's table.
Vince: You're awfully quiet, Johnny.

Vince: You think I should keep Charlie, even after all this?

Vince: What do you mean?
Johnny: Well, nobody appreciates their girlfriend until they get herpes from the next broad. Understand what I'm saying?
Vince: No, you guys?
E/Turtle: No.
Johnny: I'm saying, you don't dump your football coach until you've flirted with some other young hotties first. See what other options are out there.
E: That's not a bad idea.
Vince: Eh, I'll meet other coaches after I fire Charlie.
Turtle: I like it, icy cold.
Johnny: I dunno Vin. You might be getting a little ahead of yourself. I mean, let's look carefully at the situation.
Turtle: 2-8, at home on Senior Day. No other situation needs considering.
Vince: He does have a point. E, what'd you do on Senior Day?
E: Beat Seton Hall 6-0. Although does it count if we played seven more home games after that?
Vince: Close enough. Get Charlie on the phone.
Johnny: Hold on 'bro. You sure you wanna go down this road so quickly? This is what happened to the last hot shot like yourself. Thought he had it made coming over from the West Side, saddled up nice and cozy with a cool cat from Palo Alto, then had the rugged pulled out from under 'im and went searching blind for a new main squeeze. Here, try the eggs florentine. Spinach is a great source of iron.
Vince: You really think we shouldn't fire Charlie?
Johnny: Not if all you got is another training wheel candidate who don't know how to please you, bro. Sure, that up-and-comer from the Nasty 'Natti might work out, might not. So could that blonde bombshell from Northwestern. But unless you got a grade-A one-of-a-kinder up your's a risk.
Turtle: So we just suffer through another miserable f&*kin' year of having the band be the most competent unit on the field?
Johnny: Maybe, maybe not. But don't be jumping off the ledge unless your absolutely certain there's a bed of roses waiting for you to land in.
E: Well yeah, but there are no guarantees. So why not just fire somebody who clearly deserves it at this point?
Johnny: Hey, you wanna go searching for another 50-50 proposition, fine by me. For the time being I think that patience may prove to be a virtue.
Turtle: F&*k that.
Everybody eats and stews in silence. End scene.

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