Things to Do in Ann Arbor When You're 0-2...
Before plugging along with a preview of what could very well be the least inspiring meeting in the history of this rivalry (did you know Notre Dame and Michigan have NEVER both been 0-2?), we take a moment to acknowledge the dark side of strong recruiting and legitimate competition for playing time, two things that were in short supply under the Dome not so long ago.

It's never a good thing for a young guy of strong character and talent, which Jones is, to leave a top-flight university. But this is a stark example, as was Zach Frazer's transfer three months ago, of what is very likely to happen when you recruit a position ridiculously well. Ultimately, only one guy can take the snaps and if any of the others are worth their salt, they'll be itching to get back on the field and compete - if they think they can't do it where they are, they move on. It's that simple.
What will inevitably start now is the cry that Weis mishandled Jones' situation, setting him up for failure as the quarterback who got fed to the wolves versus Georgia Tech with no aide from his offensive line or running attack. While it's true the Irish offensive line has been atrocious, leaving both Jones and Jimmy Clausen to scramble for their lives, the reverse of it is also true: Jones was given a unique opportunity to seize the starting position and didn't capitalize for a number of reasons, some of which fall squarely on his own shoulders. Contrary to popular belief, Weis did not junk his entire offense in favor of a run-run-run style meant to limit Jones' contribution to that of an extra running back. Check Blue-Gray Sky's analysis of the 27 plays Jones ran during his 1st half appearance against Georgia Tech - 13 out of "the spread", 14 out of the more conventional Weis-ian offense. The biggest chink in the armor was ball security - Jones' two fumbles land squarely on him, nobody else.
So with a very disappointing first half against the Yellow Jackets and the ultimate 33-3 loss it helped produced, Jones gave way to Jimmy Clausen, with a few hints from Weis that had the Boy Wonder been at full health throughout training camp, he likely would've gotten the nod. For those pontificating about how Clausen looks much more agile and composed in the Irish huddle than Jones did, consider the fact that Clausen is four months older than Jones, enrolled early, comes from a football-obsessed lineage that had him with private QB coaches straight out of the cradle, and was tagged as Weis' number one recruiting priority from the moment he took the job in South Bend. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but in hindsight it looks fairly obvious that Jones & Frazer were the fallback plan in case the Irish didn't land Clausen.
So, with the Irish and Wolverines both staring down the pike at 0-3, what the f&*k is the fallback plan now?
Notre Dame Fighting Irish vs. Michigan Wolverines
3:30 PM EDT
Michigan Stadium - Ann Arbor, MI
3:30 PM EDT
Michigan Stadium - Ann Arbor, MI
Why Michigan Will Win

One of the funnest things to watch as a football fan is when 11 guys line up for each side, every single one of them knowing exactly what's about to happen, and seeing who can just simply impose their will on the other. Something's gotta give on Saturday, and if it happens to be the Irish defense giving Mike Hart daylight to run with, Lloyd Carr will be spared the job security questions for at least one week.
Why Notre Dame Will Win

Whew. I'm jacked up and ready to go! Woo HOO!!!
The Prediction
Okay, that wasn't the most sophisticated analysis you're ever going to read. But after a week of acclimating himself to the world of bigtime college football in front of 110,000 of his closest friends in Happy Valley, how can Jimmy Clausen not walk out of that tunnel tomorrow confident in himself? How can the Irish not walk out there knowing full well that there's nothing left to lose, so it's time to play like it? Quite frankly, the pressure is on Michigan this week. First there was all the speculation surrounding their coach (not quieted when Carr went on one of his 'Grampa Simpson' routines), then Hart opened his trap. Now they desperately need a win to avoid being the biggest embarrassment to conventional college football wisdom since Alabama opened the 2000 season at #3, only to bottom out with a loss to Central Florida on Homecoming. The Irish aren't quite the homecoming team, but they know it's do-or-die time. Sometimes you throw all caution to the wind when picking a game (see my gut instinct regarding last year's USC game). Today is one of those days.
Notre Dame 22, Michigan 19.
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